17 Apr Splash Pad

Lake Ridge Academy Presents
Splash Pad

Dates & Hours
May 23rd – Sep 1st
Mon-Sat: 10am-4pm & 7-9pm (Twilight Splash)
Sun: 10am-6pm
*Hours subject to change. 10-min break after every 15-min of play time.
Near Crepes in the City
229 Crocker Park Blvd
Westlake, OH 44145
Presented By
Lake Ridge Academy
Event Details
Join us at the Lake Ridge Academy Splash Pad Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. Grab your swimsuits and stop by to cool off in West Park between Crêpes In The City and Barroco.
We ask that you please be mindful of others while enjoying the Splash Zone and do your best to play safely to ensure all guests have a great experience.
Rules and Regulations:
-Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times
-Children should wear shoes at all times
-Crocker Park is not responsible for accidents or injuries
-No glass in or near Splash Pad
-No animals allowed
-No running, pushing, or dangerous horseplay
-No smoking around Splash Pad
-Crocker Park reserves the right to deny use of the Splash Pad to anyone at any time
Splash Pad not working? Report an issue by calling 440-343-4017.
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